
Road to REBiRTH - DJ Contest is back!

For 15 years, REBiRTH has been the ultimate platform for the NEW generation of DJs to showcase their talent and leave their mark on the scene. As we celebrate our milestone 15th edition, we proudly continue this tradition with the return of the Road to REBiRTH – DJ Contest! 🤯

So get your tracks mastered and fire up your decks because this is your chance to claim one of the 21 exclusive spots on our line-up! Will YOU be one of the three opening acts on the legendary REBiRTH Mainstage (Saturday), REBELLiON (Saturday), or RESiST area (Sunday)? 🚀

And there’s more! During our REBiRTH Festival weekend packed with MADNESS, the Road to REBiRTH area makes its grand return — this time upgraded to a whole new level! Giving another 9 (RAW) Hardstyle DJs on Friday and 9 Hardcore/Uptempo DJs on Sunday the chance to take over the stage and kick off the festival season with a bang!

With previous winners like Dual Damage, Zelecter, Gezellige Uptempo, Faceless, Akimbo, Serzo and Coldax, this is the ultimate launchpad for YOUR career! Are you ready to claim your spot in the REBiRTH legacy? 🔥

Submit your mixtape NOW!

Grab the opportunity to claim one of the 21 spots at REBiRTH Festival 2025, and become part of our largest edition to date! Besides the spots on our line-up, you also have a chance to win a release on our REBiRTH Records label, credits for Hardstyle.com and tickets to REBiRTH Festival!

Registrations are closed! The winners of the first round will be announced on February 21st.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I join?

    Step 1: Choose which opening spot you want to go for! REBiRTH Festival Mainstage (Hardstyle), REBELLiON (RAW Hardstyle), or RESiST (Hardcore/Uptempo).

    Step 2: Create the best mixtape you’ve ever recorded (no longer than 30 minutes), including at least one of your own produced tracks, and upload your mixtape privately on SoundCloud.

    Step 3: Write a short motivation explaining why you should perform at REBiRTH Festival.

    Step 4: Go to the application form and fill in your details, the URL to your mixtape, your motivation, and a URL to your own produced track, and you’re all set!

  • How will I be judged?

    General Evaluation

    • The sound of your mix matches the opening spot you’ve chosen (max. 10 points)
    • Build-up of your mix (max. 10 points)
    • Quality of your own track (max. 10 points)
    • Transitions in your mix (max. 10 points)
    • Originality/Creativity (edits/mash-ups/mix skills) (max. 10 points)
    • Other special features (video set/microphone use) (max. 10 points)
    • Submitted motivation (max. 10 points)
    • Mixes longer than 30 minutes will not be evaluated

    Bonus Points

    • Number of social media accounts (1 point)
    • Appearance on social media (1 point)
    • Posting frequency on social media (1 point)
    • Quality of content on social media (1 point)
    • Engagement on social media (comments and likes) (1 point)
  • How does the contest work?

    Round 1: After submitting your mixtape, it will be evaluated by the REBiRTH Festival jury, resulting in a top 20 of the best mixtapes for each opening spot: 20 Hardstyle DJs, 20 RAW Hardstyle DJs, and 20 Hardcore/Uptempo DJs. These talents will advance to the next round.

    All mixtapes will be assessed based on the evaluation form, available on this page. On Friday, February 21, we will announce the winners of the first round, after which the second round will commence.

    Round 2: The 20 highest-rated mixtapes for each opening spot will be uploaded to the REBiRTH Festival SoundCloud channel, and the public will have one week, until February 28, to vote for their top three via our website. Public votes will account for 25% of the final result, while jury votes from Round 1 will account for 75%. The winners will be announced on March 6.

  • Requirements for Your Mixtape

    • Your set must be uploaded to SoundCloud with a private URL.

    • Your set may not exceed 30 minutes; sets longer than 30 minutes will not be evaluated.

    • Your set must include at least one track produced by yourself.

    • Your set must be recorded live; sets created in a DAW or other software will not be evaluated.

    • B2B sets are not allowed. However, a set from a duo act is permitted.

  • What can I win?

    Winner of Road To The REBiRTH Mainstage (#1 Winner) – Hardstyle Participants

    • You will open the REBiRTH Mainstage on Saturday at REBiRTH Festival (12-04-2025).
    • One of your produced tracks will be released on REBiRTH Records.
    • You will receive 100 credits for downloading tracks on Hardstyle.com.
    • You will receive a Weekend + Residence Camping ticket for REBiRTH Festival 2025.

    Winner of Road To The REBiRTH Mainstage (#1 Winner) – RAW Participants

    • You will open the REBELLiON stage on Saturday at REBiRTH Festival (12-04-2025).
    • One of your produced tracks will be released on REBiRTH Records.
    • You will receive 100 credits for downloading tracks on Hardstyle.com.
    • You will receive a Weekend + Residence Camping ticket for REBiRTH Festival 2025.

    Winner of Road To The REBiRTH Mainstage (#1 Winner) – Hardcore/Uptempo Participants

    • You will open the RESiST stage on Sunday at REBiRTH Festival (13-04-2025).
    • One of your produced tracks will be released on REBiRTH Records.
    • You will receive 100 credits for downloading tracks on Hardstyle.com.
    • You will receive a Weekend + Residence Camping ticket for REBiRTH Festival 2025.

    Winners Hardstyle/RAW (#9 Winners)

    • You will perform on the ‘Road To REBiRTH’ area on Friday at REBiRTH Festival (11-04-2025).
    • You will receive 25 credits for downloading tracks on Hardstyle.com.

    Winners Hardcore/Uptempo (#9 Winners)

    • You will perform on Sunday at REBiRTH Festival (13-04-2025) on the ‘Road To REBiRTH’ area.
    • You will receive 25 credits for downloading tracks on Hardstyle.com.
  • When can I register?

    The registration form is NOW available on this website and will close on January 31 at 11:59 PM.

  • Can anyone participate?

    Yes, as long as all the requirements are met, anyone can participate.

  • Which genres can participate?

    DJs/Producers who play and produce Hardstyle, RAW, Hardcore, and/or Uptempo can participate. Hardstyle participants compete for the opening spot on the REBiRTH Mainstage, RAW participants compete for the opening spot in the REBELLiON area, and Hardcore/Uptempo participants compete for the opening spot in the RESiST area. In the registration form, you can indicate which genre you want to compete in.

  • Where should I upload my mixtape?

    You must upload your mixtape privately on SoundCloud and include the private URL in the registration form.

  • How long should my mixtape be?

    Your mixtape must be a maximum of 30 minutes. Mixes longer than 30 minutes will not be evaluated.

  • How will my mixtape be judged?

    Your mixtape will be evaluated based on an evaluation form that you can find on our website. First Round: Your mixtape will be judged by the REBiRTH Festival team. Second Round: The top 20 mixtapes will be judged by both the public and the REBiRTH Festival team. The REBiRTH Festival team will determine 75% of the final result, while the public vote will account for the remaining 25%.

  • How will I know if I’ve been selected for the next round?

    The winners of the first round will be announced on February 21, and all winners will be notified via email.

  • Are B2B sets allowed?

    No, B2B sets are not allowed. However, sets from a duo act are permitted.